# 模拟实现call, apply, bind

# 它们是干嘛的?



const name = 'Kobe', age = 18;
const player = {
  name: 'Irving',
  age: this.age,
  func: function() {
    console.log(`${this.name} is ${this.age} years old`)
function getName() {

player.age // this 指向 player -> 18
player.func() // this 指向 player -> Irving is 18 years old
getName() // this 指向 window -> Kobe


const name = 'Kobe', age = 18;
const player = {
  name: 'Irving',
  age: this.age || 16,
  func: function() {
    console.log(`${this.name} is ${this.age} years old`)
const otherPlayer = {
  name: 'Wade',
  age: 17

player.func.call(otherPlayer) // Wade is 17 years old
player.func.apply(otherPlayer) // Wade is 17 years old
player.func.bind(otherPlayer)() // Wade is 17 years old



const name = 'Kobe', age = 18;
const player = {
  name: 'Irving',
  age: this.age || 16,
  func: function(from, team) {
    console.log(`${this.name} is ${this.age} years old, from ${from}, play in the ${team}`)
const otherPlayer = {
  name: 'Wade',
  age: 17

player.func.call(otherPlayer, 'Chicago', 'Heat') // Wade is 17 years old, from Chicago, play in the Heat
player.func.apply(otherPlayer, ['Chicago', 'Heat']) // Wade is 17 years old, from Chicago, play in the Heat
player.func.bind(otherPlayer, 'Chicago', 'Heat')() // Wade is 17 years old, from Chicago, play in the Heat
player.func.bind(otherPlayer, ['Chicago', 'Heat'])() // Wade is 17 years old, from Chicago,Heat, play in undefined

我们又发现 call 是一个一个参数来接收的,apply 则是接受了一个列表,bind 则是除了返回函数以外,其他参数和 call 一样。所以看自己的应用场景来取择即可,你想要着重展现参数的意义就可以选 call,当然参数不仅仅是例子上的 string 类型,其他均可以。


# 模拟实现

# call

Function.prototype._call = function(context = window) {
  // 假如没传上下文 context 默认取 window
  if (this === Function.prototype) return; // 用于防止 Function.prototype._call() 直接调用

  // 新建一个不会重名的属性,防止重写
  const attr = Symbol()
  context[attr] = this
  // 把类数组变为数组,过滤 window 参数
  const args = [...arguments].slice(1)
  const result = context[attr](args)
  delete context[attr] 
  return result

# apply

Function.prototype._apply = function(context = window) {
  if (this === Function.prototype) return;
  const attr = Symbol()
  context[attr] = this
  // 取出参数列表
  const args = [...arguments][1]
  let result;
  if (!args) {
    result = context[attr]()
  } else {
    result = context[attr](...args)
  delete context[attr] 
  return result

# bind

Function.prototype._bind = function(context = window) {
  const self = this
  const args = [...arguments].slice(1)
  return function() {
    const newArg = [...arguments]
    return self.apply(context, args.concat(newArg))
